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Critical GIS Reading List

[ updated 29 May 2012 ]

I've constructed this bibliography as a set of key readings, organized as a chronology, that I feel traces the various genealogies of contemporary 'critical GIS'.  This is, of course, a work in progress, and I'll look forward to comments/feedback/questions!

See also the following bibliographies:
on literary geography and mapping by Sheila Hones and James Kneale,
on code/space by Sam Kinsley.


Key Moments in Early 'GIS' Development

Dobson, Jerome E. 1983. Automated Geography. The Professional Geographer 35 (2):135-143.

Couclelis, Helen. 1992. People manipulate objects (but cultivate fields): Beyond the raster-vector debate in GIS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 639:65-77.

Goodchild, Michael F. 1987. A spatial analytical perspective on geographical information systems. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 1 (4):327-334.

Nyerges, Timothy L. 1989. Schema integration analysis for the development of GIS databases. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 3 (2):153-183.

Nyerges, Timothy L. 1991. Geographic information abstractions: conceptual clarity for geographic modeling. Environment and Planning A 23:1483-1499.

Steinitz, Carl, Paul Parker, and Lawrie Jordan. 1976. Hand-Drawn Overlays: Their History and Prospective Uses. Landscape Architecture:444-455.

Tobler, Waldo R. 1959. Automation and Cartography. Geographical Review 49 (4):526-534.

Early-1990s GIS Critiques

Chrisman, Nicholas R. 1987. Design of geographic information systems based on social and cultural goals. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 53 (10):1367-1370.

Clark, G. L. 1992. GIS -- what crisis? Environment and Planning A 24 (3):321-322.

Dobson, Jerome E. 1993. The Geographic Revolution:  A Retrospective on the Age of Automated Geography. The Professional Geographer 45 (4):431-439.

Harley, J.B. 1989. Deconstructing the map. Cartographica 26:1-20.

Lake, Robert W. 1993. Planning and applied geography: positivism, ethics, and geographic information systems. Progress in Human Geography 17 (3):404-413.

Macgill, S.M. 1990. Commentary:  GIS in the 1990s? Environment and Planning A 22 (12):1559-1560.

Openshaw, Stan. 1991. A view on the GIS crisis in geography, or, using GIS to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. Environment and Planning A 23 (5):621-628.

Openshaw, Stan. 1992. Further thoughts on geography and GIS: a reply. Environment and Planning A 24 (4):463-466.

Pickles, John. 1993. Discourse on Method and the History of Discipline: Reflections on Dobson's 1983 Automated Geography. The Professional Geographer 45 (4):451-455.

Sheppard, Eric. 1993. Automated Geography: What Kind of Geography for What Kind of Society? The Professional Geographer 45 (4):457-460.

Smith, Neil. 1992. History and philosophy of geography: real wars, theory wars. Progress in Human Geography 16:257-271.

Taylor, Peter J. 1990. GKS. Political Geography Quarterly 9:211-212.

Taylor, Peter J., and M. Overton. 1991. Further thoughts on geography and GIS. Environment and Planning A 23 (8):1087-1090.

Wood, Denis. 1992. The power of maps. New York: Guilford Press.

Yapa, Lakshman S. 1991. Is GIS appropriate technology? International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 5 (1):41-58.

Mid-1990s GIS Critiques :: Early GIS & Society

Aitken, Stuart C., and Suzanne M. Michel. 1995. Who contrives the "real" in GIS?  Geographic information, planning and critical theory. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1):17-29.

Crampton, Jeremy W. 1994. Cartography's Defining Moment: The Peters Projection Controversy, 1974-1990. Cartographica 31 (4):16-32.

Crampton, Jeremy W. 1995. The Ethics of GIS. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1):84-89.

Curry, Michael R. 1995. Geographic information systems and the inevitability of ethical inconsistency. In Ground Truth: The social implications of geographic information systems, edited by J. Pickles. New York: Guilford Press.

Curry, Michael R. 1995. Rethinking Rights and Responsibilities in Geographic Information Systems: Beyond the Power of the Image. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1):58-69.

Goodchild, Michael F. 1995. Geographic Information Systems and Geographic Research. In Ground Truth: The social implications of geographic information systems, edited by J. Pickles. New York: Guilford.

Graham, Stephen, and Simon Marvin. 1996. Telecommunications and the city : electronic spaces, urban places. London ; New York: Routledge.

Harris, Trevor M., Daniel Weiner, Timothy A. Warner, and Richard Levin. 1995. Pursuing Social Goals Through Participatory Geographic Information Systems. In Ground Truth: The Social Implications of Geographic Information Systems, edited by J. Pickles. New York: Guilford Press.

Hillis, Ken. 1996. A Geography of the Eye: The Technologies of Virtual Reality. In Cultures of Internet : virtual spaces, real histories, living bodies, edited by R. Shields. London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Hinchliffe, Steve. 1996. Technology, power, and space -- the means and ends of geographies of technology. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 14:659-682.

Kirby, Kathleen M. 1996. Re: mapping subjectivity: Cartographic vision and the limits of politics. In BodySpace : destabilizing geographies of gender and sexuality, edited by N. Duncan. London ; New York: Routledge.

Kirsch, Scott. 1995. The incredible shrinking world? Technology and the production of space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 13:529-555.

McHaffie, Patrick H. 1995. Manufacturing Metaphors: Public Cartography, the Market, and Democracy. In Ground Truth: The social implications of geographic information systems, edited by J. Pickles. New York: Guilford.

Mitchell, William J. 1995. City of bits : space, place, and the infobahn. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Monmonier, Mark S. 1996. How to lie with maps. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Moss, Pamela. 1995. Embeddedness in Practice, Numbers in Context: The Politics of Knowing and Doing. The Professional Geographer 47 (4):442-449.

Nyerges, Timothy L., Michael Barndt, and Kerry Brooks. 1996. Public Participation Geographic Information Systems. Paper read at AutoCarto 13, ACSM/ASPRS 1997 Technical Papers, April, at Seattle, Washington.

Nyerges, Timothy L., and Piotr Jankowski. 1997. Enhanced Adaptive Structuration Theory: A Theory of GIS

Obermeyer, Nancy J. 1995. The Hidden GIS Technocracy. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1):78-83.

Pickles, John, ed. 1995. Ground Truth: The social implications of geographic information systems. New York: Guilford.

Pratt, Geraldine. 1996. Trashing and its alternatives. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 14 (3):253-256.

Rundstrom, Robert A. 1995. GIS, Indigenous Peoples, and Epistemological Diversity. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1):45-57.

Schroeder, Paul. 1996. Criteria for the design of a GIS/2, Specialists' meeting for NCGIA Initiative 19: GIS and Society, Summer 1996 [cited 21 March 2007]. Available from

Sheppard, Eric. 1995. GIS and Society: Towards a Research Agenda. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1):5-16.

Weiner, Daniel, Timothy A. Warner, Trevor M. Harris, and Richard M. Levin. 1995. Apartheid Representations in a Digital Landscape: GIS, Remote Sensing and Local Knowledge in Kiepersol, South Africa. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1):30-44.

Late-1990s GIS Critiques :: GIScience & Society

Barndt, Michael. 1998. Public Participation GIS: Barriers to Implementation. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 25 (2):105-106.

Chrisman, Nicholas R. 1999. What does 'GIS' mean? Transactions in GIS 3 (2):175-186.

Clark, M.J. 1998. GIS: Democracy or delusion? Environment and Planning A 30:303-316.

Curry, Michael R. 1998. Digital places : living with geographic information technologies. London ; New York: Routledge.

Edney, M. 1997. Surveying and mapping. In Mapping An Empire: the Geographical Construction of British India 1765-1843 

Elwood, Sarah A., and Helga Leitner. 1998. GIS and Community-based Planning: Exploring the Diversity of Neighborhood Perspectives and Needs. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 25 (2):77.

Esnard, Ann-Margaret. 1998. Cities, GIS, and Ethics. Journal of Urban Technology 5 (3):33-45.

Graham, Stephen. 1998. The end of geography or the explosion of place? Conceptualizing space, place and information technology. Progress in Human Geography 22 (2):165-185.

Graham, Stephen. 1998. Spaces of surveillant simulation: new technologies, digital representations, and material geographies. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 16:483-504.

Harris, Trevor M., and Daniel Weiner. 1998. Empowerment, Marginalization, and "Community-integrated" GIS. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 25 (2):67.

Harvey, Francis, and Nicholas R. Chrisman. 1998. Boundary objects and the social construction of GIS technology. Environment and Planning A 30:1683-1694.

Heckman, LeRoy A. 1998. Methodology Matters: Devising a Research Program for Investigating PPGIS in Collaborative Neighborhood Planning. In Project Varenius Specialist Meeting: Empowerment, Marginalization, and Public Participation GIS. Santa Barbara, CA.

Heikkila, E. J. 1998. GIS is dead; Long live GIS! Journal of the American Planning Association 64 (3):350-360.

Jankowski, Piotr, and Milosz Stasik. 1997. Spatial understanding and decision support system: a prototype for public GIS. Transactions in GIS 2 (1):73-84.

Kitchin, Robert M. 1998. Towards geographies of cyberspace. Progress in Human Geography 22 (3):385-406.

McHaffie, Patrick H. 1997. "Decoding the globe: globalism, advertising, and corporate practice." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space no. 15:73-86.

Obermeyer, Nancy J. 1998. The Evolution of Public Participatory GIS. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems:65-66.

Pickles, John. 1997. Tool or Science?  GIS, Technoscience, and the Theoretical Turn. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 87 (2):363-372.

Ramasubramanian, Laxmi. 1999. Nurturing community empowerment: Participatory decision making and community based problem solving using GIS. In Geographic Information Research: Trans-Atlantic Perspectives, edited by M. Craglia and H. Onsrud. London: Taylor & Francis.

Schuurman, Nadine. 1999. Critical GIS: Theorizing an Emerging Science. Cartographica 36 (4).

Sheppard, Eric, Helen Couclelis, Stephen Graham, J.W. Harrington, and Harlan Onsrud. 1999. Geographies of the information society. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 13 (8):797-823.

Shiffer, Michael J. 1998. Multimedia GIS for Planning Support and Public Discourse. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 25 (2):89-94.

Sparke, Matthew. 1998. A Map that Roared and an Original Atlas: Canada, Cartography and the Narration of Nation. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 88 (3):464-495.

Stonich, Susan C. 1998. Information Technologies, Advocacy, and Development: Resistance and Backlash to Industrial Shrimp Farming. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 25 (2):113-122.

Wright, Dawn, Michael F. Goodchild, and James D. Proctor. 1997. GIS: Tool or Science?  Demystifying the Persistent Ambiguity of GIS as "Tool" versus "Science". Annals of the Association of American Geographers 87 (2):346-362.

Early-2000s Critical GIS
[ PPGIS :: Participatory GIS ]

Aitken, Stuart C. 2002. Public participation, technological discourses and the scale of GIS. In Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems, edited by W. J. Craig, T. M. Harris and D. Weiner. New York: Taylor and Francis.

Al-Kodmany, Kheir. 2000. Public participation: technology and democracy. Journal of Architectural Education 53 (4):220-228.

Bond, Crystal. 2002. The Cherokee Nation and tribal uses of GIS. In Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems, edited by W. J. Craig, T. M. Harris and D. Weiner. New York: Taylor and Francis.

Cosgrove, Denis E. 2001. Apollo's eye : a cartographic genealogy of the earth in the western imagination. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Crampton, Jeremy W. 2001. Maps as social constructions: power, communication and visualization. Progress in Human Geography 25 (2):235-252.

Crampton, Jeremy W. 2003. The Political Mapping of Cyberspace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Dangermond, Jack. 2002. Mutualism in strengthening GIS technologies and democratic principles: perspectives from a GIS software vendor. In Community participation and geographic information systems, edited by W. J. Craig, T. M. Harris and D. Weiner. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Dodge, Martin, and Rob Kitchin. 2001. Mapping cyberspace. London ; New York: Routledge.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2002. GIS use in community planning: a multidimensional analysis of empowerment. Environment and Planning A 34:905-922.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2002. The impacts of GIS use for neighborhood revitalization in Minneapolis. In Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems, edited by W. J. Craig, T. M. Harris and D. Weiner. London: Taylor & Francis.

Elwood, Sarah A., and Helga Leitner. 2003. GIS and spatial knowledge production for neighborhood revitalizaiton: negotiating state priorities and neighborhood values. Journal of Urban Affairs 25 (2):139.

Ghose, Rina. 2001. Use of Information Technology for Community Empowerment:  Transforming Geographic Information Systems into Community Information Systems. Transactions in GIS 5 (2):141-163.

Ghose, Rina. 2003. Community Participation, Spatial Knowledge Production, and GIS Use in Inner-City Revitalization. Journal of Urban Technology 10 (1):39-60.

Ghose, Rina, and William E. Huxhold. 2001. Role of local contextual factors in building public participation GIS: The Milwaukee experience. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 28 (3):195-208.

Graham, Stephen, and Simon Marvin. 2001. Splintering urbanism : networked infrastructures, technological mobilities and the urban condition. London ; New York: Routledge.

Graham, Stephen, and David Wood. 2003. Digitizing surveillance: categorization, space, inequity. Critical Social Policy 23 (2):227-248.

Harvey, David. 2001 [2000]. Cartographic identities: geographical knowledges under globalization. In Spaces of capital : towards a critical geography. New York: Routledge.

Jankowski, Piotr, and Timothy L. Nyerges. 2001. Geographic Information Systems for Group Decision Making: Towards a Participatory, Geographic Information Science. Edited by P. Fisher and J. Raper, Research Monographs in Geographical Information Systems. London: Taylor and Francis.

Krygier, J.B. 2002. A praxis of public participation GIS and visualization. In Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems, edited by W. J. Craig, T. M. Harris and D. Weiner. New York: Taylor and Francis.

Kwan, Mei-Po. 2002. Is GIS for women?  Reflections on the critical discourse in the 1990s. Gender, Place and Culture 9 (3):271-279.

Kwan, Mei-Po. 2002. Feminist Visualization: Re-envisioning GIS as a Method in Feminist Geographic Research. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 92 (4):645-661.

Kwan, Mei-Po. 2002. Introduction: Feminist Geography and GIS. Gender, Place and Culture 9 (3):261-262.

Kwan, Mei-Po, Donald G. Janelle, and M.F. Goodchild. 2003. Accessibility in space and time: A theme in spatially integrated social science. Journal of Geographical Systems 5 (1):1-3.

Laituri, Melinda. 2002. Ensuring access to GIS for marginal societies. In Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems, edited by W. J. Craig, T. M. Harris and D. Weiner. New York: Taylor and Francis.

Laituri, Melinda. 2003. The Issue of Access: An Assessment Guide for Evaluating Public Participation Geographic Information Science Case Studies. URISA Journal 15 (APA II):25-32.

Leitner, Helga, Sarah A. Elwood, Eric Sheppard, Susanna McMaster, and Robert B. McMaster. 2000. Modes of GIS Provision and their Appropriateness for Neighborhood Organizations: Examples from Minneapolis and St. Paul Minnesota. URISA Journal 12 (4):43-56.

Martin, Eugene W. 2000. Actor-networks and implementation: examples from conservation GIS in Ecuador. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 14 (8):715-738.

McHaffie, Patrick H. 2000. "Surfaces: tacit knowledge, formal language, and metaphor at the Harvard Lab for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis." International Journal of Geographical Information Science no. 14 (8):755-773.

McHaffie, Patrick H. 2002. "Towards the Automated Map Factory: Early Automation at the U.S. Geological Survey." Cartography and Geographic Information Science no. 29 (3):193-206.

McLafferty, Sara L. 2002. Mapping Women's Worlds: knowledge, power and the bounds of GIS. Gender, Place and Culture 9 (3):263-269.

Merrick, Meg. 2003. Reflections on PPGIS: A view from the trenches. URISA Journal 15 (APA II):33-39.

Monmonier, Mark S. 2001. Bushmanders & bullwinkles : how politicians manipulate electronic maps and census data to win elections. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Nyerges, Timothy L., Piotr Jankowski, and Christina Drew. 2002. Data-gathering strategies for social-behavioural research about participatory geographical information system use. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 16 (1):1-22.

Pavlovskaya, Marianna. 2002. Mapping Urban Change and Changing GIS: other views of economic restructuring. Gender, Place and Culture 9 (3):281-289.

Rinner, C. 2001. Argumentation maps: GIS-based discussion support for on-line planning. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 28:847-863.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2000. Trouble in the heartland: GIS and its critics in the 1990s. Progress in Human Geography 24 (4):569-590.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2002. Women and technology in geography: a cyborg manifesto for GIS. The Canadian Geographer 46 (3):258-265.

Schuurman, Nadine, and Geraldine Pratt. 2002. Care of the Subject: feminism and critiques of GIS. Gender, Place and Culture 9 (3):291-299.

Sheppard, Eric. 2001. Quantitative geography: representations, practices, and possibilities. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 19:535-554.

Sieber, Renée E. 2002. Geographic information systems in the environmental movement. In Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems, edited by W. J. Craig, T. M. Harris and D. Weiner. New York: Taylor and Francis.

Sieber, Renée E. 2003. Public participation geographic information systems across borders. The Canadian Geographer 47 (1):50-61.

Talen, Emily. 2000. Bottom-up GIS - A new tool for individual and group expression in participatory planning. Journal of the American Planning Association 66 (3):279-294.

Thompson, Gary. 2003. New media technologies: Weblogs, warblogs, the public sphere, and bubbles. Transformations (7).

Wong, Sidney, and Yang Liang Chua. 2001/2004. Data Intermediation and Beyond: Issues for Web-Based PPGIS. Cartographica 38 (3/4):63-80.

Mid-2000s Critical GIS
[ Qualitative Methods & GIS :: PPGIS :: PGIS ]

Aitken, Stuart C., and James Craine. 2006. Guest Editorial: Affective Geovisualizations. Directions Magazine, 7 February.

Bell, Scott, and Maureen Reed. 2004. Adapting to the Machine: Integrating GIS into Qualitative Research. Cartographica 39 (1):55-66.

Brown, Michael, and Larry Knopp. 2006. Places or Polygons? Governmentality, Scale, and the Census in The Gay and Lesbian Atlas. Population, Space and Place 12:223-242.

Chrisman, Nicholas R. 2005. Full Circle: More than Just Social Implications of GIS. Cartographica 40 (4):23-35.

Corbett, Jon M., and C. Peter Keller. 2005. An Analytical Framework to Examine Empowerment Associated with Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS). Cartographica 40 (4):91-102.

Couclelis, Helen. 2004. The Third Domain: The Spread and Use of GIS within Social Science. Cartographica 39 (1):17-24.

Craig, William J., Trevor M. Harris, and Daniel Weiner, eds. 2002. Community participation and geographic information systems. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Crampton, Jeremy W. 2004. GIS and Geographic Governance: Reconstructing the Choropleth Map. Cartographica 39 (1):41-53.

Crampton, Jeremy W., and John Krygier. 2005. An Introduction to Critical Cartography. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 4 (1):11-33.

Dennis, Samuel F., Jr. 2006. Prospects for qualitative GIS at the intersection of youth development and participatory urban planning. Environment and Planning A 38:2039-2054.

Dodge, Martin, and Rob Kitchin. 2005. Codes of life: identification codes and the machine-readable world. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 23:851-881.

Dodge, Martin, and Rob Kitchin. 2005. Code and the Transduction of Space. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95 (1):162-180.

Dragicevic, Susan, and Shivanand Balram, eds. 2006. Collaborative Geographic Information Systems. Hershey, PA: Idea Group, Inc.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2006. Beyond Cooptation or Resistance: Urban Spatial Politics, Community Organizations, and GIS-Based Spatial Narratives. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96 (2):323-341.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2006. Critical Issues in Participatory GIS: Deconstructions, Reconstructions, and New Research Directions. Transactions in GIS 10 (5):693-708.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2006. Negotiating knowledge production: The everyday inclusions, exclusions, and contradictions of participatory GIS research. The Professional Geographer 58 (2):197-208.

Elwood, Sarah A., and Rina Ghose. 2004. PPGIS in Community Development Planning: Framing the Organizational Context. Cartographica 38 (3-4):19-33.

Galloway, Anne. 2004. Intimations of everyday life: ubiquitous computing and the city. Cultural Studies 18 (2/3):384-408.

Ghose, Rina. 2004. Complexities in Spatial Knowledge Production in Public Participation GIS. Paper read at GIScience 2004: The Third International Conference in Geographic Information Science, October 20-23, 2004, at Aldelphi, Maryland.

Ghose, Rina. 2007. Politics of Scale and Networks of Association in PPGIS. Environment and Planning A 39 (8):1961-1980.

Gilbert, Melissa, and Michele Masucci. 2006. The Implications of Including Women's Daily Lives in a Feminist GIScience. Transactions in GIS 10 (5):751-761.

Goodchild, Michael F. 2006. Geographical information science: Fifteen years later. In Classics from IJGIS: Twenty years of the International Journal of Geographical Information Science and Systems, edited by P. F. Fisher. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Goodchild, Michael F. 2006. GIScience Ten Years After Ground Truth. Transactions in GIS 10 (5):687-692.

Harris, Leila M., and Mark Harrower. 2005. Critical Interventions and Lingering Concerns: Critical Cartography/GISci, Social Theory, and Alternative Possible Futures. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 4 (1):1-10.

Harris, Leila M., and Helen D. Hazen. 2005. Power of Maps: (Counter) Mapping for Conservation. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 4 (1):99-130.

Harvey, Francis. 2005. Reconfiguring Administrative Geographies In The United States. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 4 (1):57-79.

Harvey, Francis, Mei-Po Kwan, and Marianna Pavlovskaya. 2005. Introduction: Critical GIS. Cartographica 40 (4):1-3.

Huxley, Margo. 2006. Spatial rationalities: order, environment, evolution and government. Social and Cultural Geography 7 (5):771-787.

Johnson, Jay T., Renne Pualani Louis, and Albertus Hadi Pramono. 2005. Facing the Future: Encouraging Critical Cartographic Literacies in Indigenous Communities. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 4 (1):80-98.

Knigge, LaDona, and Meghan Cope. 2006. Grounded visualization: integrating the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data through grounded theory and visualization. Environment and Planning A 38:2021-2037.

Kwan, Mei-Po, and LaDona Knigge. 2006. Doing qualitative research using GIS: an oxymoronic endeavor? Environment and Planning A 38:1999-2002.

Matthews, Stephen A., James E. Detwiler, and Linda M. Burton. 2005. Geo-ethnography: Coupling Geographic Information Analysis Techniques with Ethnographic Methods in Urban Research. Cartographica 40 (4):75-90.

McLafferty, Sara L. 2005. Women and GIS: Geospatial Technologies and Feminist Geographies. Cartographica 40 (4):37-45.

Miller, Christopher C. 2006. A Beast in the Field: The Google Maps Mashup as GIS/2. Cartographica 41 (3):187-199.

Nellis, M. Duane. 2005. Geospatial information technology, rural resource development, and future geographies. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95 (1):1-10.

O'Sullivan, David. 2006. Geographical information science: critical GIS. Progress in Human Geography 30 (6):783-791.

Pavlovskaya, Marianna. 2006. Theorizing with GIS: a tool for critical geographies? Environment and Planning A 38:2003-2020.

Pavlovskaya, Marianna, and Kevin St. Martin. 2007. Feminism and Geographic Information Systems: From a Missing Object to a Mapping Subject. Geography Compass 1 (3):583-606.

Pickles, John. 2004. A history of spaces : cartographic reason, mapping, and the geo-coded world. New York: Routledge.

Pickles, John. 2006. Ground Truth 1995-2005. Transactions in GIS 10 (5):763-772.

Poore, Barbara S., and Nicholas R. Chrisman. 2006. Order from Noise: Towards a Social Theory of Geographic Information. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96 (3):508-523.

Rattray, Nicholas. 2006. A user-centered model for community-based web-GIS. URISA Journal 18 (2):25-34.

Rose-Redwood, Reuben Sky. 2006. Governmentality, geography, and the geo-coded world. Progress in Human Geography 30 (4):469-486.

Schlossberg, Marc, and Elliot Shuford. 2005. Delineating "Public" and "Participation" in PPGIS. URISA Journal 16 (2):15-26.

Schlossberg, Marc, and Darren Wyss. 2007. Teaching by doing: PPGIS and classroom-based service learning. URISA Journal 19 (1):13-22.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2004. GIS : a short introduction, Short introductions to geography. Malden, MA.: Blackwell Pub.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2004. Databases and bodies: a cyborg update. Environment and Planning A 36:1337-1340.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2005. Social Dimensions of Object Definition in GIS. In Re-presenting GIS, edited by P. Fisher and D. J. Unwin. West Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2005. Social Perspectives on Semantic Interoperability: Constraints on Geographical Knowledge from a Data Perspective. Cartographica 40 (4):47-61.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2006. Formalization Matters: Critical GIS and Ontology Research. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96 (4):726-739.

Schuurman, Nadine, and Mei-Po Kwan. 2004. Guest editorial:  Taking a Walk on the Social Side of GIS. Cartographica 39 (1):1-3.

Schuurman, Nadine, and Agnieszka Leszczynski. 2006. Ontology-Based Metadata. Transactions in GIS 10 (5):709-726.

Sheppard, Eric. 2005. Knowledge Production through Critical GIS: Genealogy and Prospects. Cartographica 40 (4):5-21.

Sieber, Renée E. 2004. Rewiring for a GIS/2. Cartographica 39 (1):25-39.

Sieber, Renée E. 2006. Public participation geographic information systems: A literature review and framework. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96 (3):491-507.

Sui, Daniel Z. 2004. GIS, cartography, and the "third culture": Geographic imaginations in the computer age. The Professional Geographer 56 (1):62-72.

Turner, Andrew J. 2006. Introduction to Neogeography, O'Reilly Short Cuts: O'Reilly.

Warren, Stacy. 2004. The Utopian Potential of GIS. Cartographica 39 (1):5-16.

Late-2000s Critical GIS
[ Qualitative GIS :: Volunteered Geographic Information ]

Aitken, Stuart C., and James Craine. 2009. Into the Image and Beyond: Affective Visual Geographies and GIScience. In Qualitative GIS: A Mixed-Methods Approach, edited by S. A. Elwood and M. Cope. London: Sage.

Brown, Michael, and Larry Knopp. 2008. Queering the map: the productive tensions of colliding epistemologies. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 98 (3):1-19.

Cope, Meghan, and Sarah A. Elwood, eds. 2009. Qualitative GIS: A Mixed Methods Approach. London: Sage.

Cosgrove, Denis E. 2008. Cultural cartography: maps and mapping in cultural geography. Annales de Géographie 117 (660-661):159-178.

Crampton, Jeremy W. 2009. Cartography: maps 2.0. Progress in Human Geography 33 (1):91-100.

Dodge, Martin, and Rob Kitchin. 2007. 'Outlines of a world coming into existence': pervasive computing and the ethics of forgetting. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34:431-445.

Dodge, Martin, and Rob Kitchin. 2009. Software, objects, and home space. Environment and Planning A 41:1344-1365.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2008. Volunteered geographic information: key questions, concepts and methods to guide emerging research and practice. GeoJournal 72:133-135.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2008. Volunteered geographic information: future research directions motivated by critical, participatory, and feminist GIS. GeoJournal 72:173-183.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2008. Grassroots groups as stakeholders in spatial data infrastructures: challenges and opportunities for local data development and sharing. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22 (1):71-90.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2009. Geographic Information Science: new geovisualization technologies -- emerging questions and linkages with GIScience research. Progress in Human Geography 33 (2):256-263.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2009. Integrating participatory action research and GIS education: Negotiating methodologies, politics and technologies. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 33 (1):51-65.

Fielding, Nigel, and César A. Cisneros-Puebla. 2009. CAQDAS-GIS Convergence: Toward a New Integrated Mixed Method Research Practice? Journal of Mixed Methods Research 3 (4):349-370.

Goodchild, Michael F. 2007. Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography. GeoJournal 69:211-221.

Goodchild, Michael F. 2008. Commentary: whither VGI? GeoJournal 72:239-244.

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Kitchin, Robert M. 2008. The Practices of Mapping. Cartographica 43 (3):211-215.

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Knigge, LaDona. 2009. Recursive analysis of community spaces using ethnography and GIS. In Qualitative GIS: A Mixed-Methods Approach, edited by S. A. Elwood and M. Cope. London: Sage.

Kwan, Mei-Po. 2007. Affecting Geospatial Technologies: Toward a Feminist Politics of Emotion. The Professional Geographer 59 (1):27-34.

Kwan, Mei-Po. 2008. "From oral histories to visual narratives: re-presenting the post-September 11 experiences of the Muslim women in the USA." Social and Cultural Geography no. 9 (6):653-669.

Kwan, Mei-Po, and Guoxiang Ding. 2008. "Geo-Narrative: Extending Geographic Information Systems for Narrative Analysis in Qualitative and Mixed-Method Research." The Professional Geographer no. 60 (4):443-465.

Pavlovskaya, Marianna. 2009. Breaking the silence: Non-quantitative GIS unearthed. In Qualitative GIS: A Mixed-Methods Approach, edited by S. A. Elwood and M. Cope. London: Sage.

Pavlovskaya, Marianna. 2009. Critical GIS and Its Positionality. Cartographica 44 (1):8-10.

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Schuurman, Nadine. 2009. Metadata as a site for imbuing GIS with qualitative information. In Qualitative GIS: A Mixed Methods Approach. London: Sage.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2009. Is the Rubric "Critical GIScience" Effective? An argument for Theoretical GIScience. Cartographica 44 (1):10-11.

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Wilson, Matthew W., Barbara S. Poore, Francis Harvey, Mei-Po Kwan, David O'Sullivan, Marianna Pavlovskaya, Nadine Schuurman, and Eric Sheppard. 2009. Theory, Practice, and History in Critical GIS: Reports on an AAG Panel Session. Cartographica 44 (1):5-16.

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Zook, Matthew A., and Mark Graham. 2007. Mapping DigiPlace: geocoded Internet data and the representation of place. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34:466-482.

Early-2010s Critical GIS
[ Qual GIS :: Spatial Humanities :: Crit Tech Studies :: VGI/NeoGeo ]

Ash, James. 2012. "Technology, technicity and emerging practices of temporal sensitivity in videogames." Environment and Planning A no. 44:187-203.

Barnes, Trevor J., and Eric Sheppard. 2010. "'Nothing includes everything': towards engaged pluralism in Anglophone economic geography." Progress in Human Geography no. 34 (2):193-214.

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Crampton, Jeremy W. 2010. Mapping : a critical introduction to cartography and GIS, Critical introductions to geography. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.

Elwood, Sarah A., and Agnieszka Leszczynski. 2011. "Privacy, reconsidered: New representations, data practices, and the geoweb." Geoforum no. 42:6-15.

Elwood, Sarah A., and Katharyne Mitchell. 2012. "Mapping children's politics: spatial stories, dialogic relations and political formation." Geografisker Annaler: Series B Human Geography no. 94 (1):1-15.

Goodchild, Michael F., and Donald G. Janelle. 2010. Toward critical spatial thinking in the social sciences and humanities. GeoJournal 75 (1):3-13.

Graham, Mark. 2010. Neogeography and the palimpsests of place: web 2.0 and the construction of a virtual Earth. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie.

Graham, Mark. 2011. "Time machines and virtual portals: the spatialities of the digital divide." Progress in Development Studies no. 11 (3):211-227.

Kinsley, Sam. 2010. Representing 'things to come': feeling the visions of future technologies. Environment and Planning A 42:2771-2790.

Leszczynski, Agnieszka. 2012. "Situating the geoweb in political economy." Progress in Human Geography no. 36 (1):72-89.

McCormack, Derek. 2010. Remotely sensing affective afterlives: the spectral geographies of material remains. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100 (3):640-654.

Sui, Daniel Z. 2010. GeoJournal: A new focus on spatially integrated social sciences and humanities. GeoJournal 75 (1):1-2.

Wilson, Matthew W. 2011. "'Training the eye': formation of the geocoding subject." Social and Cultural Geography no. 12 (4):357-376.

Wilson, Matthew W. 2011. "Data matter(s): legitimacy, coding, and qualifications-of-life." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space no. 29 (5):857-872.

Wilson, Matthew W. 2012. "Location-based services, conspicuous mobility, and the location-aware future." Geoforum.

Zook, Matthew A., Mark Graham, Taylor Shelton, and Sean Gorman. 2010. "Volunteered geographic information and crowdsourcing disaster relief: A case study of the Haitian earthquake." World Medical & Health Policy no. 2 (2):7-33.

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